
Monday, September 10, 2012


500 gram dg sapi/500 gram of beef
2 buah cabe merah / hijau
1/2 onion medium size
3 batang green onion/daun bawang

bumbu marinated:
2sdk makan kecap manis/sweet soy sauce
1/2 sdk teh ketumbar bubuk/coriander powder
1/2 sdk teh lada bubuk/white pepper powder
3 buah bwg merah parut/ shallot grated
4 siung bwg putih parut/garlic grated
1 tablespoons honey/madu

glaze sauce:
2 sdk makan kecap manis /sweet soy sauce
2 sdk makan honey/madu
2 sdk makan ketchup/saus tomat

cara membuat:
1.potong dg sapi tipis memanjang atau sesuai selera/ cut the meat into a rectangle and thin size or the way you prefer
2.campur semua bahan marinated smp rata masukkan kedlm dg yg telah dipotong, aduk rata diamkan selama 1-2 jam/ mix all the ingredients for marinated until blended and add the meat that has been cut ,stir well and let it stand for about 1-2 hours.
3. potong persegi empat cabe merah atau hijau dan bwg bombay/ cut the red or green chili and the onion into cube or square size
4. potong daun bawang 5cm panjangnya/ cut the green onion about 5cm length
5.setelah dg dibumbui dan didiamkan slm 1-2 jam tusuk pakai tusuk sate secara bergantian dgn cabe ,onion dan bwg merah lakukan smp smua dg habis/ after the meat was marinated and allowed to stand for 1-2 hours,alternately skewer the meat with pepper,onion,and green onion until all the meat out.
6.panggang diatas panggangan smp matang/grill the kebabs until cooked
7.campur smua bahan saus smp rata dan oleskan ke sate/ mix well all the ingredients for glaze and glaze it on the top of the kebabs,bon appetite ^_^


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lagu rohani